Receipt and review of your application
Step 1
- Please send your complete application (resume & cover letter) to cornelia.sailer@liwood.com. You are also welcome to share a personal project with us here.

Invitation to the first meeting
Step 2
- During our first interview, we primarily want to get to know you personally. We pay attention to your professional competencies and want to learn more about your professional past, your interests and your motivators.

Second interview with your direct supervisor
Step 3
- This interview usually takes place with your direct supervisor or with the specialist department. Here we will talk specifically about the task you are to take on at LiWooD and also about the details in your contract.

Decision and contract conclusion
Step 4
- We don't make the decision about an acceptance or rejection easy - but we don't put it off either. As a rule, you will usually receive a response from us within a week.